Monday, September 13, 2010

What I Did On The Weekend - NYFW Fashion's Night Out

Good Lord,  I can't find any good footage of it!! And it doesn't even come close to covering what was really going on on the street!!
Ok so we didn't really do that much 'myah-myah' fashioning, but me and my gurrl L, did have a lovely dinner in Soho, then battled through the crowd to the Agent Provocateur Autumn launch on Mercer. 
It was pretty cool, free champagne and cocktails, obligitory 'stylin dj', 
Human mannequin in the window filming the crowd.
Oh and some of the pieces were to die for - i.e

Aaaanywho, it was FUN! but we did spend most of the night getting drunk at Niagra. As we should.

SIGGHH... NYC I miss you already!!!