Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sexy Bitch : JENNY LEWIS

Ok, so with the exception of 'The Next Messiah', Jenny Lewis' newish album Acid Tongue is kinda crappy. But let's remember that Rabbit Fur Coat was awesome and, of course, Rilo have their moments.

Regardless of all of this, there's no denying that she's one hot betch:


  1. you are an asshole...

  2. Acid Tongue is a *great* album; it's just a different style than her other stuff. Musicians, especially after they go solo, always discover rootsy blues. Doug Martsch (of BTS) is a prime example. And her newest record is good stuff too. Oh yeah, and she is about as fine as they come.

  3. I loved Rabbit Fur Coat, I actually Have the album framed, on the wall in my dining room along with albums by Pearl Jam,Jethro Tull, The Beatles, and Robbie Selke Jr.My wife didn't much care for my style at first but it grew on her.
